12 research outputs found

    An Object Detection and Identification System for a Mobile Robot Control

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    The one of the features of mobile robot control is to detect and to identify objects in workspace. Especially, autonomous systems must detect obstacles and then revise actual trajectories according to new conditions. Hence, many solutions and approaches can be found in literature. Different sensors and cameras are used to solve problem by many researchers. Different type sensors usage can affect not only system performance but also operational cost. In this study, single camera based obstacle detection and identification algorithm was developed to control omni-drive mobile robot systems. Objects and obstacles, which are in robot view, are detected and identified their coordinates by using developed algorithms dynamically. Developed algorithm was tested on Festo Robotino mobile robot. Proposed approach offers not only cost efficiency but also short process time

    Performance analysis of real-time and general-purpose operating systems for path planning of the multi-robot systems

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    In general, modern operating systems can be divided into two essential parts, real-time operating systems (RTOS) and general-purpose operating systems (GPOS). The main difference between GPOS and RTOS is the system istime-critical or not. It means that; in GPOS, a high-priority thread cannot preempt a kernel call. But, in RTOS, a low-priority task is preempted by a high-priority task if necessary, even if it’s executing a kernel call. Most Linux distributions can be used as both GPOS and RTOS with kernel modifications. In this study, two Linux distributions, Ubuntu and Pardus, were analyzed and their performances were compared both as GPOS and RTOS for path planning of the multi-robot systems. Robot groups with different numbers of members were used to perform the path tracking tasks using both Ubuntu and Pardus as GPOS and RTOS. In this way, both the performance of two different Linux distributions in robotic applications were observed and compared in two forms, GPOS, and RTOS

    Design and implementation of adaptive control for a nonholonomic mobile manipülatör

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    HOLONOMİK OLMAYAN BİR MOBİL MANİPÜLATÖR İÇİN ADAPTİF KONTROL TASARIMI VE UYGULAMASI Son yıllarda, mobil manipülasyon alanında ilginin giderek arttığı görülmektedir. Mobil manipülasyon, robot kolu ve mobil bir robottan oluşan bir mobil manipülatör tarafından gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu tür platformlar; zararlı maddelerin işlenmesi, arama ve kurtarma, mayın temizleme, patlayıcı madde imha, savaş da dâhil birçok sivil ve askeri uygulamalarda, madencilikte ve uzay araştırmaları gibi birçok alanda kullanılabilmektedir. Birçok araştırma mobil manipülatörlerin modellenmesi, kontrolü ve uygulaması üzerinde yoğunlaşmaktadır. Farklı uygulamalarda mobil manipülatör kullanımı için temel gereksinim, kararlılık ve güvenli hareketliliğin, farklı iç ve dış belirsizlik ve bozucu etkileri altında da mobil robotun kararlı, düzgün ve dayanıklı olarak sağlanmasıdır. Be nedenlerden, dört tekerden tahrikli bir mobil manipülatörü, bilinmeyen araç parametreleri altında istenilen yörüngeyi takip edebilmesi amacıyla kontrol etmek için dinamik bir denetleyici tasarlamak bu çalışmanın esas amacıdır. Mobil manipülatörler, mobil robotların yeteneklerini (beceri) ve hareketlilik avantajlarını bir arada sunmaktadır. Bu özellikler, manipülatör ve mobil robotun birleşiminden ortaya çıkan özelliklerdir. Mobil manipülatörler sabit tabanlı manipülatörlere göre çok daha büyük bir çalışma uzayına sahiptirler. Ayrıca, mobil robotlardan daha üstün yeteneklere sahiptirler. Bir mobil robotun görevi, manipülatör bir görevi yerine getirmek için bir noktaya ulaşmaya çalışırken tercih edilen konfigürasyona göre mobil manipülatörün konumunu ayarlamaktır. Bu özelliklerinden ötürü, mobil manipülatörler uzay araştırmaları, askeri operasyonlar, otomatik üretim ve sağlık gibi alanlar dahil olmak üzere çeşitli askeri ve sivil alanlarda kullanılabilir. Bu çalışmada, bir dört tekerden tahrikli mobil robot ile 7 serbestlik dereceli robot kolundan oluşan bir mobil manipülatör için bilinmeyen araç parametleri tabanlı bir adaptif yörünge takip denetleyicisi tasarlanmıştır. Simülasyon sonuçları önerilen denetleyicinin performansınının doğruluğunu ve etkinliğini göstermiştir. ABSTRACT DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL FOR A NONHOLONOMIC MOBILE MANIPULATOR In recent years there has been observed a growing interest in the mobile manipulation area. Mobile manipulation is usually realized by mobile manipulator which consists of a ground vehicle and a robot arm. This kind of platform can be used in lots of civilian and military areas, including harmful material operation, searching and rescue, demining, explosive ordnance disposal and even battlefield. A lot of research concentrates on the modeling, control and application of mobile manipulators. One essential requirement for using the mobile manipulator for different applications is the property of stable and reliable mobility, which requires the ground vehicle to move stably, robustly and smoothly under different internal or external uncertainties and disturbances. Thus, the main goal of this study is to design a dynamic controller to control a mobile manipulator with a 4WD ground vehicle to track an assigned desired trajectory under unknown vehicle parameters. Mobile manipulators offer a dual advantage of mobility and dexterity of a mobile robot and a manipulator. They are composed of a manipulator and a mobile platform. Mobile manipulators have a much larger workspace than fixed–base manipulators. Also, they are more capable than mobile robots. While an on-board manipulator reaches out and performs manipulation tasks, the role of the mobile platform is to adjust a position of the mobile manipulator according to preferred configuration. Mobile manipulators can be used in various military and civilian areas including space exploration, military operations, auto-manufacturing and health-care, etc. In this study, an adaptive tracking controller for a mobile manipulator which consists of a 4-wheel drive(4WD) ground vehicle and a 7-DOF robot arm with unknown vehicle parameters is designed to track an assigned desired trajectory under unknown vehicle parameters. The simulation results are demonstrated the correctness and effectiveness of the performance of the proposed controller

    Design and implementation of adaptive control for a nonholonomic mobile manipülatör

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    ÖZETHOLONOMİK OLMAYAN BİR MOBİL MANİPÜLATÖR İÇİN ADAPTİF KONTROL TASARIMI VE UYGULAMASISon yıllarda, mobil manipülasyon alanında ilginin giderek arttığı görülmektedir. Mobil manipülasyon, robot kolu ve mobil bir robottan oluşan bir mobil manipülatör tarafından gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu tür platformlar; zararlı maddelerin işlenmesi, arama ve kurtarma, mayın temizleme, patlayıcı madde imha, savaş da dâhil birçok sivil ve askeri uygulamalarda, madencilikte ve uzay araştırmaları gibi birçok alanda kullanılabilmektedir.Birçok araştırma mobil manipülatörlerin modellenmesi, kontrolü ve uygulaması üzerinde yoğunlaşmaktadır. Farklı uygulamalarda mobil manipülatör kullanımı için temel gereksinim, kararlılık ve güvenli hareketliliğin, farklı iç ve dış belirsizlik ve bozucu etkileri altında da mobil robotun kararlı, düzgün ve dayanıklı olarak sağlanmasıdır. Be nedenlerden, dört tekerden tahrikli bir mobil manipülatörü, bilinmeyen araç parametreleri altında istenilen yörüngeyi takip edebilmesi amacıyla kontrol etmek için dinamik bir denetleyici tasarlamak bu çalışmanın esas amacıdır.Mobil manipülatörler, mobil robotların yeteneklerini (beceri) ve hareketlilik avantajlarını bir arada sunmaktadır. Bu özellikler, manipülatör ve mobil robotun birleşiminden ortaya çıkan özelliklerdir. Mobil manipülatörler sabit tabanlı manipülatörlere göre çok daha büyük bir çalışma uzayına sahiptirler. Ayrıca, mobil robotlardan daha üstün yeteneklere sahiptirler. Bir mobil robotun görevi, manipülatör bir görevi yerine getirmek için bir noktaya ulaşmaya çalışırken tercih edilen konfigürasyona göre mobil manipülatörün konumunu ayarlamaktır. Bu özelliklerinden ötürü, mobil manipülatörler uzay araştırmaları, askeri operasyonlar, otomatik üretim ve sağlık gibi alanlar dahil olmak üzere çeşitli askeri ve sivil alanlarda kullanılabilir.Bu çalışmada, bir dört tekerden tahrikli mobil robot ile 7 serbestlik dereceli robot kolundan oluşan bir mobil manipülatör için bilinmeyen araç parametleri tabanlı bir adaptif yörünge takip denetleyicisi tasarlanmıştır. Simülasyon sonuçları önerilen denetleyicinin performansınının doğruluğunu ve etkinliğini göstermiştir.ABSTRACTDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL FOR A NONHOLONOMIC MOBILE MANIPULATORIn recent years there has been observed a growing interest in the mobile manipulation area. Mobile manipulation is usually realized by mobile manipulator which consists of a ground vehicle and a robot arm. This kind of platform can be used in lots of civilian and military areas, including harmful material operation, searching and rescue, demining, explosive ordnance disposal and even battlefield. A lot of research concentrates on the modeling, control and application of mobile manipulators. One essential requirement for using the mobile manipulator for different applications is the property of stable and reliable mobility, which requires the ground vehicle to move stably, robustly and smoothly under different internal or external uncertainties and disturbances. Thus, the main goal of this study is to design a dynamic controller to control a mobile manipulator with a 4WD ground vehicle to track an assigned desired trajectory under unknown vehicle parameters.Mobile manipulators offer a dual advantage of mobility and dexterity of a mobile robot and a manipulator. They are composed of a manipulator and a mobile platform. Mobile manipulators have a much larger workspace than fixed–base manipulators. Also, they are more capable than mobile robots. While an on-board manipulator reaches out and performs manipulation tasks, the role of the mobile platform is to adjust a position of the mobile manipulator according to preferred configuration. Mobile manipulators can be used in various military and civilian areas including space exploration, military operations, auto-manufacturing and health-care, etc. In this study, an adaptive tracking controller for a mobile manipulator which consists of a 4-wheel drive(4WD) ground vehicle and a 7-DOF robot arm with unknown vehicle parameters is designed to track an assigned desired trajectory under unknown vehicle parameters. The simulation results are demonstrated the correctness and effectiveness of the performance of the proposed controller

    Kaskat bağlı sıvı seviye akış sisteminin web tabanlı gerçek zamanda zeki kontrolü

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    ÖZET KASKAT BAĞLI SIVI SEVİYE VE AKIŞ SİSTEMLERİNİN WEB TABANLI GERÇEK ZAMANDA ZEKİ KONTROLÜ Bilgi teknolojilerindeki hızlı gelişim beraberinde öğretme metotlarında da ilerlemeye sebep olmuştur. Internet bağlantısı olan herhangi bir yerdeki herhangi bir bilgisayardan, zamana ve mekâna bağlı kalınmaksızın her türlü bilgiye kolayca ulaşmak mümkündür. Bu durum öğretim tekniklerinde de yeni yaklaşımlara sebep olmuştur. Zamana ve mekâna bağlı olmayan yeni eğitim metotları geliştirilmiştir. Web tabanlı eğitim bu sistemlerden birisidir. Bu eğitim metodunda öğrenciler gerçek sistemler yerine simülasyonlarda çalışma imkânı bulabilmektedirler. Özellikle mesleki ve teknik derslerde bu sorun sıkça karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Simülasyonlarla yapılan deneylerde sistemlerin gerçek davranışları izlenememektedir. Bu çalışmada lisans ve lisansüstü derslerinin analog ve sayısal kontrol laboratuarlarında nonlineer sistemlerin kontrolü deneyleri için üzerinde tüm kontrol algoritmalarının denenebileceği çok amaçlı, internet tabanlı bir deney seti oluşturmak ve kontrolünü gerçekleştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Kullanılan sıvı seviye ve akış kontrolü sistemi deney seti altı temel elemandan oluşmaktadır: sıvı tankı, seviye ve akış sensörü, A/D ve D/A çevirme işlemini gerçekleştiren NI PCI-6024E veri haberleşme kartı, kişisel bilgisayar, elektronik sürücü devresi ve motorlar. Bu sistem üzerinde klasik (on-off, P, PI, PD, PID) ve bulanık mantık kontrolörü uygulamaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kontrolörler çeşitli koşullarda denenmiş ve karşılaştırmaları yapılmıştır. Deneyler sonunda bulanık mantık kontrolörünün diğerlerine oranla daha iyi performans gösterdiği gözlemlenmiştir. ABSTRACTWEB BASED REAL TIME PROCESS CONTROL OF CASCADE CONNECT LIQUID LEVEL AND FLOW SYSTEMThe rapid changes in Information Technology have led to similar changes in teaching methods. A computer and an Internet connection are all that is necessary to access information regardless of time or place. This has led to new approaches to teaching techniques. New teaching methods not restricted by time and place have been developed. Web based education is one of these systems. In this method of education, students work with simulations rather than actual systems. This problem appears with particular frequency in vocational and technical classes. Experiments conducted with simulations do not accurately mimic systems actual behavior. The design and construction of a multi purpose and web based experiment set for the application of different control techniques for non-linear systems and controlling this system is the aim of this study. The designed and constructed experiment set consists of six main components: a liquid tank, a level sensor and a flow sensor, NI PCI-6024E data acquisition card, a PC, triggering circuit and a motor-based actuator. The classical (on-off, P, PI, PD, PID) and fuzzy logic control were performed on this set. Experiments on the system for each controller show that fuzzy logic controller demonstrated better performanc

    Indoor surface classification for mobile robots

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    The ability to recognize the surface type is crucial for both indoor and outdoor mobile robots. Knowing the surface type can help indoor mobile robots move more safely and adjust their movement accordingly. However, recognizing surface characteristics is challenging since similar planes can appear substantially different; for instance, carpets come in various types and colors. To address this inherent uncertainty in vision-based surface classification, this study first generates a new, unique data set composed of 2,081 surface images (carpet, tiles, and wood) captured in different indoor environments. Secondly, the pre-trained state-of-the-art deep learning models, namely InceptionV3, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, Xception, InceptionResNetV2, and MobileNetV2, were utilized to recognize the surface type. Additionally, a lightweight MobileNetV2-modified model was proposed for surface classification. The proposed model has approximately four times fewer total parameters than the original MobileNetV2 model, reducing the size of the trained model weights from 42 MB to 11 MB. Thus, the proposed model can be used in robotic systems with limited computational capacity and embedded systems. Lastly, several optimizers, such as SGD, RMSProp, Adam, Adadelta, Adamax, Adagrad, and Nadam, are applied to distinguish the most efficient network. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms all other applied methods and existing approaches in the literature by achieving 99.52% accuracy and an average score of 99.66% in precision, recall, and F1-score. In addition to this, the proposed lightweight model was tested in real-time on a mobile robot in 11 scenarios consisting of various indoor environments such as offices, hallways, and homes, resulting in an accuracy of 99.25%. Finally, each model was evaluated in terms of model loading time and processing time. The proposed model requires less loading and processing time than the other models

    Selective and sensitive fluorescent and colorimetric chemosensor for detection of CO3 2- anions in aqueous solution and living cells

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    PubMed:30029421A new colorimetric and fluorescent chemosensor for visual determination of carbonate ions was developed by the microwave assisted solvent free synthesis of 7,8-dihydroxy-3-(4-methylphenyl) coumarin (DHMC). The structural characterization of DHMC was confirmed by microanalysis and spectroscopy methods (MALDI-TOF, FT-IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and 2D HETCOR). The binding behaviors of DHMC were investigated towards various anions by UV–vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. DHMC showed a selective and sensitive fluorometric and colorimetric responses towards carbonate ion over other anions. The detection limit of CO3 2- was found to be 1.03 µM. Moreover, the fluorescence imaging in living cells suggests that DHMC has a great potential in the biological imaging application. It has been demonstrated that DHMC can be used as a rapid and reliable sensor for the determination of carbonate anion in a variety of practical applications.Firat University Scientific Research Projects Management Unit: FF.16.08 110T652The authors are grateful to the Research Fund of the TUBITAK for their support (for the synthesis of compound) with the project No- 110T652 . The sensor applications were supported by the Firat University Research Fund (Project no: FF.16.08 ) Appendix

    Synthetic Lubricants Derived from Plastic Waste and their Tribological Performance

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    © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbHThe energy efficiency, mechanical durability, and environmental compatibility of all moving machine components rely heavily on advanced lubricants for smooth and safe operation. Herein an alternative family of high-quality liquid (HQL) lubricants was derived by the catalytic conversion of pre- and post-consumer polyolefin waste. The plastic-derived lubricants performed comparably to synthetic base oils such as polyalphaolefins (PAOs), both with a wear scar volume (WSV) of 7.5×10−5 mm−3. HQLs also performed superior to petroleum-based lubricants such as Group III mineral oil with a WSV of 1.7×10−4 mm−3, showcasing a 44 % reduction in wear. Furthermore, a synergistic reduction in friction and wear was observed when combining the upcycled plastic lubricant with synthetic oils. Life cycle and techno-economic analyses also showed this process to be energetically efficient and economically feasible. This novel technology offers a cost-effective opportunity to reduce the harmful environmental impact of plastic waste on our planet and to save energy through reduction of friction and wear-related degradations in transportation applications akin to synthetic oils

    Nutritional characteristic of children with inflammatory bowel disease in the nationwide inflammatory bowel disease registry from the Mediterranean region

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    © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.Background/objectives: We analyzed the nationwide pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (PIBD) registry (1998–2016), to evaluate the nutritional status at the time of diagnosis. Subjects/methods: Nine types of nutritional status by the combination of weight-for-length (2 years) and length/height-for-age with three categories (2 SD) were described. Malnutrition was defined by WHO criteria. Univariate and multivariate regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for malnutrition. Results: In total, 824 IBD patients (498 Ulcerative colitis (UC); 289 Crohn’s Disease (CD); 37 Indeterminate Colitis (IC); 412 male; the median age 12.5 years) were eligible. The prevalence of eutrophy, wasting/thinness, stunting, overweight, tall stature, concurrent wasting/thinness and stunting, tall stature with overweight, tall stature with wasting/thinness, and short stature with overweight were 67.4%, 14.9%, 6.6%, 3.1%, 3.2%, 3.3%, 1.1%, 0.4%, and 0.1%, respectively. The prevalence of malnutrition was 32.7%, indicating a higher prevalence in CD (p 10 years), prepubertal stage, severe disease activity, perianal involvement, and high C reactive protein level were independently associated with malnutrition in pediatric IBD. Conclusion: We showed the frequency of nutritional impairment in PIBD. The percentage of overweight subjects was lower than the other studies. The age of onset, disease activity, CRP level, perianal involvement, and pubertal stage were associated with a higher risk for developing malnutrition. Our results also confirmed that CD patients are particularly vulnerable to nutritional impairment. Clinical trial number: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04457518